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Foundation of the Department of Education and Psychology

The Department of Education and Psychology draws on both its tradition and the many areas of its current creative activity. Through its activities, it endeavours to be part of a multilayered professional dialogue with other departments at the TUL Faculty of Education that have pedagogical practice as well as with "its" students.

Besides European projects, the department bases its activities on basic and applied pedagogical research (projects funded by the GACR, TACR). The department places a great emphasis on international cooperation, international conference activities as well as broader cooperation with the teaching public and pedagogical practice.

In the framework of GACR and TACR projects and in our professional publications, we deal with the cultural-social and historical contexts of the pedagogical processes of education; the issues faced by the professional pedagogical worker and methods and approaches for their personal development and growth; pedagogical-psychological and social-psychological issues of socialization processes; diversity in education.

We present international perspectives on education and training in the classroom and promote dialogue with foreign universities through international conferences and online teaching seminars. We want to take a peek into the workshops of our colleagues abroad, which is why we support both the short- and long-term international mobility of our staff at foreign universities and foreign colleagues in our country (semester-long teaching and research activities of the department’s members at Phillips-Universität Marburg, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Universität Augsburg, at University of Maine at Augusta, Kansas State University, at Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz and the creative activities of foreign colleagues from Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg, Univesitta Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Universität Flensburg, University of Maine at Augusta, Universität Zürich). Last but not least, working with our foreign colleagues, we recently managed to have joint publications published by renowned foreign publishers.